"Welcome Home" " Amukelekile Kaya" Who Are We"

History of Ringetani Community Project

Ringetani, is an all-African, earthy program which has no Western influence whatsoever. Lodrick Manyathele founded the initiative in 1999, he is an unassuming young man with pure intent and patience one only finds in the bush. He sees the negative influence of first world encroachment; his background is a village life in Mpumalanga, South Africa. He and the group are based in Somerset Village; this name does not in any way fairly represent the spirit of the location. Lodrick smiles at this and simply explains that the village name must be something that Western people can pronounce and remember, so that they can explain to their friends when they get home. This is a sound piece of logic given that Lodrick has been at this for more than 22 years for now.

Lodrick wanted to provide the local youth with some options other than crime, drugs or alcohol. He had seen many good African children ruined by these and he wanted to try and motivate some of the traditional African values, those he knew and had a respect for, the same values that had served Africans for centuries. There is something fundamentally sad about the demise of a people’s natural culture. We have seen the most amazing technological developments in the past fifty years, transport, communications, healthcare and a host of others

Whilst, Ringetani continuously endeavours to be self-sustaining and self-reliant… the needs of the local people, especially the elderly and the many orphans due to the Aids endemic are nearly always more than they can provide…. even though they could easily provide for themselves through their many efforts, they find it a responsibility to help those in need within their local community and whenever, however they can… especially the elderly, Youth and orphans in the greater area.

This is mostly to support the communities in quite number of various activities such as Education, Health, social, Empowerment and being self-sustain.

 From generation to generation, many youth generation has been involved with the project. This has become the University Life Skills, culture and respect. creating a new hope is a priority.

“I have worked with so many different generations for so many years, we still believe in bigger hopes.”Lodrick Manyathele said" Everything depend on hard work, determination, believe and Hope, some classified all that in one terminology called - FAITH. It sounds just like an ordinary dance project, but this has been the shelter for many.


Your Love and support can never be underestimated. You have been always there during the time of need; you participated through various platforms that might include Finances, Clothing, books, stationeries, advices, correcting our mistakes, and being involved. We might sound small, but Ringetani has touched many lives.

In our 10 years anniversary, Dr of Zoology,Dr Andrea Webster , Postdoctoral Research Institute University of Pretoria in South Africa  - once quote  " It can take hours ,days , months and years to actually count on how many lives been touched by the Project, for us is to celebrate forever and ever" she said it with smile and tears

 We would like to cherish every moment that our lives has been associated with Ringetani, We have met so many different people from all the different parts of the world, and this is a milestone to cherish. a remarkable milestone to be proud of and also to cherish for the rest of lives.

Few years back, everything was done due to love and pride, but the current generation has to be taught trough emphasising the importance of life orientation as the world face more and more modern obstacles.

As you have read the story, Thank you so much, we acknowledge you. 


There is always a room of support, Please be there for us, think on how you can escalate your voice, your hand, your input, to reach and support us. Legends of Ringetani -Brothers and Sisters, nothing important in this world rather than great commitment. Thank you so much.


Who are we without you? Thank you so much for the great support, we are here just because of you. Thank you.

In support

Feel free to contact us- “We love you"

Our team

Drumming Team picture

Drumming Team

Marimba picture


Band team

Traditional Dance team picture

Traditional Dance team

Enviromental Education Programme picture

Enviromental Education Programme

Social Responsibility Programme picture

Social Responsibility Programme

Ringetani Team 2024 picture

Ringetani Team 2024

Vision 2025 picture

Vision 2025

For the love of the game picture

For the love of the game

Only depend on how many lives you have touched picture

Only depend on how many lives you have touched

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